Create a Presale

1. Click on the Create presale icon, the first icon from the top on the left side of the screen.

2. Fill out all the information needed in the middle screen.

2.1. Token Address: Input your token address if you already have one or create a new token from the Token Creator.

2.2. Rates

2.2.1. Presale rate: Input the Presale rate. (Tokens per XDC)

2.2.2. XSwapProtocol listing rate: Input the listing price of your token in XSwapProtocol AMM DEX. (Tokens per XDC)

2.2.3. XSwapProtocol liquidity percent: Enter the percentage of raised funds that should be allocated to liquidity in XSwapProtocol AMM DEX. Minimum value is 51%, maximum value is 100%.

2.2.4. Click on Next.

2.3. Limits

2.3.1. Soft Cap: Enter the lowest limit that the project wants to raise. (in XDC)

2.3.2. Hard Cap: Enter the maximum amount of funds that the project wants to raise. (in XDC)

2.3.3. Min contribution limits: Enter the minimum amount that your investors can buy (in XDC)

2.3.4. Max contribution limits: Enter the maximum amount that your investors can buy (in XDC)

2.3.5. Click on Next.

2.4. Timings

2.4.1. Presale start time: Click on the calendar icon on the right and choose the start date and time.

2.4.2. Presale end time: Click on the calendar icon on the right and choose the start date and time. (Presale end time must be greater than presale start time.)

2.4.3. Liquidity lockup time: Click on the calendar icon on the right and choose the liquidity lock date and time. Liquidity lock time is the last day that the project wants their liquidity pool in XSwap Protocol’s AMM DEX locked and it must be greater than Presale end time by 30 days.

2.5. Information

2.5.1. Logo: Enter your logo URL and it must end with a supported image extension: png, jpg, jpeg or gif. This is a required field.

The next following fields below are not required but it is best to fill each one of them to provide more information for your investors.

2.5.2. Website: Enter your website address.

2.5.3. Github: Enter your Github account.

2.5.4. Twitter: Enter your Twitter account.

2.5.5. Reddit: Enter your Reddit account.

2.5.6. Telegram: Enter your Telegram account.

2.5.7. Discord: Enter your Discord account.

2.5.8. Link your Audits: Provide a link of your token audit, if any.

2.5.9. Description: Write a short description about your project.

2.6. Finalize. This is the final step. You can review all the information that you have entered one last time before submitting. Click “Create” after you have reviewed and made sure that everything is correct. If you found something that needs to be changed, you can go back to the previous steps to make the necessary changes.

After clicking on “Click”, your wallet will then ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee that you are required to pay for that transaction. If you agree, click on the “Confirm” button to finish the transaction.

You have now completed creating your token presale. Pls go to the Dashboard to view your newly created token presale.

Last updated