Name: XSwap Treasure Token
Symbol: XTT
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: Infinite
XTT Contract Address: xdc17476dc3eda45aD916cEAdDeA325B240A7FB259D
XTT Token Sale
Max Tokens in One Round of Presale: 1 000 000 000
1 XTT = 0.04 XDC
Minimum XTT to Invest = 4 000 XDC
Maximum XTT to Invest = 400 000 XDC
10% Bonus to One-time maximum buy in of 400 000 XDC
XTT Token Supply
Initial Supply = 430 000 000 to 1 396 000 000
Airdrop = 60 000 000
Presale + Liquidity = 370 000 000 to 1 336 000 000 (this will depend on the outcome of the presale)
Ownership will be delegated to the farming contract after finalizing the Presale.
XTT Minting Rate
Minting rate is dependent on the number of XTT sold during presale and will fall in the range set below.
Per Year
95 454 545
336 000 000
Per Day
261 519
920 548
Per Block
Per Day In USD
2 025
Last updated